Pet Hair Allergies

If you have a pet, you have lots of pet hair which is probably not a surprise. What is probably surprising is that the pet hair bothers you by causing sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose and a lot of other annoying symptoms.
It’s natural to blame pet hair for your allergy-like symptoms, but it may not be the culprit at all. Pet hair is not generally an allergen, and by itself does not cause allergic reactions.
Pet hair allows airborne particles such as invisible pet dander, pollen, household dust, mold and mildew spores, and pollen to attach to it. And it is these other well known allergens that cause allergy sufferers such misery.
So getting rid of pet hair would also mean getting rid of a lot of airborne allergens as well. Using an air purifier that will effectively eliminate pet hair and dander is an excellent way to do this.
The Pet Dander Air Purifier removes pet hair from cats, dogs, bunnies, ferrets, as well as bird dander and feathers. In addition, this purifier will also remove airborne pollutants down to .3 microns making it an excellent solution for those with respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies.
The best thing about using the Pet Dander Air Purifier is that it doesn’t interfere with your lifestyle because it is low in maintenance and is not something you must constantly remember to do.
When it arrives at your door, mark your calendar 5 years from that date. That’s when you’ll need the first filter change.
You don’t have to suffer one minute longer because pet hair is helping other airborne allergens make you sick.
See the Pet Dander Air Purifier now at and change what you breathe and how you feel starting today.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: elliminate airborne pet hair, pet hair, pet hair air purifier, pet hair allergies
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