Grass Pollen Allergies—A 4 Step Plan for Management

1. Get someone else to cut and manage your lawn if your basic ground cover is grass. Avoid being out doors when the grass is cut and immediately afterwards. If you don’t want to turn your lawn’s management over to someone else, be sure to wear a HEPA mask when cutting the grass. Take off your shoes and clothes immediately before tracking through the house, and put your clothes in the washer. Take a shower to rid your hair and skin of any remaining pollen.
2. Pollen is most easily spread on dry, windy days. Look at the pollen count daily and schedule outdoor activities when the pollen count is low. A good rain can clear the air and clear the way for you to enjoy outdoor activities without triggering allergy symptoms.
3. Keep doors and windows closed and use air conditioning to keep the temperature comfortable. When entering and leaving your home, use doors that open on spaces other than your main living areas. Garage doors, mud room doors, enclosed porch doors can all put some distance between the grass pollen and areas of the house where you spend the most time.
4. Regardless of how careful you are, pollen will still get into your home. It’s just a fact of life. Using a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier that is designed to filter pollen is a non-invasive and proactive step to take towards managing grass pollen allergies.
And one of the best benefits is that it removes any type of pollen down to .3 microns as well as other common household pollutants. So not only does it effectively manage your grass pollen allergies, but it give you cleaner and healthier indoor air every day of the year.
See the HEPA air purifier that can help you manage your grass pollen allergies now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: grass pollen air purifier, grass pollen allergies, grass pollen relief
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