Making Your Home Green—5 Tips for Healthier Indoor Living

If you want a home that is “green” and environmentally friendly, here are 5 ways to get the most for the money you spend.
Double or triple pane windows, and thermal doors with tight seals mean you keep out the heat and the cold more efficiently which means you use less energy to keep the temperature in your home comfortable.
Appliances that are energy star rated assure that they use less water and/or energy which reduce daily consumption and adds up to much less energy use over a lifetime. And of course using less energy means you save money as well.
Use earth friendly materials such as flooring and furniture made from recycled products. This helps preserve our natural resources. Using old flooring, furniture, and architectural pieces that have been salvaged from older homes is an excellent way to reuse and recycle. These seemingly small touches in a home make a big difference to the environment and make an elegant addition to any home.
Organic fabrics, carpets, and other products mean fewer chemicals to off gas into your air. This means better air quality which means a healthier lifestyle.
And whereas a green home has far better air quality than a home that is not, there are still some airborne pollutants to which a green home is still susceptible. Pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander are all more likely to remain trapped because a green home is so well insulated.
Using the HealthMate Air Purifier is a very “green” solution for eliminating these airborne pollutants. It uses the same amount of energy as a 60 watt light bulb, is designed to run 24 hours every day, and needs its filter changed once every 5 years. It contains a HEPA filter that will eliminate sub micron size particles as small as .3 microns, and an inner filter to remove gases, odors, and chemicals.
See how this “green” air purifier can take your home to the next level of healthy living at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: eco friendly home, eco-friendly air purifier, green air purifier, green home
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