Thursday, May 28, 2009

Grass Allergy Solutions

Grass allergies present their symptoms in early spring through summer. And if the grass has greened in your area, and you are sneezing, coughing and constantly wiping a runny nose and watery eyes, you may well be one of the millions who suffer through the grass allergy season each year.

Grass pollination triggers the onset of most people's grass allergies, and your climate will determine exactly when that happens. Many of the symptoms are the same as those for hay fever. Here are a few things that you can do to take back control of your life during grass allergy season.

Keep windows and doors closed in your home and car to cut down on the amount of pollen that is able to affect your indoor air. If you have a garage, use it to enter your home. That keeps your living space from being directly exposed to the outside air, and cuts down on the amount of pollen that can blow in.

Keep your lawn cut short. This will cut down on the amount of pollen produced by your lawn.

Let someone else do the mowing. And arrange your schedule so that you can be inside or away while the grass is being cut.

Use an air purifier to filter the pollen that manages to find its way inside your home. Even if you take every precaution, pollen will find its way into your home on packages, pets, in your hair, and when opening and closing doors to the outside.

Since most of us spend a large amount of time indoors, having an air purifier to eliminate pollen from your indoor air will make you comfortable for much of the season. offers an excellent air purifier to remove airborne grass pollen from your indoor air—the Hay Fever Air Purifier. See what relief looks like at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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