Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Air In Beauty Salons

In any given day the air in beauty salons can contain numerous gaseous and particulate pollutants. 
Things like hair spray, chemical fumes from perms and dye (ammonia and formaldehyde) can literally cause the air quality to stink.
Think about how many times you’ve been able to tell that a salon was nearby from the smell rather than seeing it.  Now think about how much your body is absorbing every day if you work in a salon.
Symptoms from breathing this chemical infused air can be coughing, dry throat, burning eyes, headaches, lack of energy, nausea, and even confusion.
These are all ways that your body is telling you that what you are breathing is unhealthy, and literally making you sick.  If you are a career stylist, one of the best things you can do to advance your career for yourself and your clients is to clear the air.
After walking into a number of other salons, a shop that smells like fresh air will stick out in a good way.  And will keep you healthy and enjoying the work you do each day.
PurerAir.com has sent the Beauty Salon Air Purifier to salons all over the country to help keep the air clear of both chemicals and particles.
Let it send 250 cubic feet of fresh clean air into your salon every 60 seconds every day, even when you are not there.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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