Friday, April 13, 2012

Removing Nail Salon Odors

Nail salons can off gas potent odors to the point that you can often smell them before you see that they are there.

Many of these smells result from products that contain volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that evaporate into the air at room temperature.

The short term effects, other than just smelling bad, include burning eyes, dry throat, headache, dizziness, and in some cases nausea and vomiting.

And breathing these fumes for prolonged periods of time every day can cause the liver to have to work harder to eliminate the chemicals from your body.

Opening the doors and windows is one of the reasons why you can often smell these products from several doors away. But ultimately, this does not take enough of the chemicals out of the indoor air to create healthy air quality. And the smell can often cause neighboring businesses to become unhappy if the smell seeps into their space.

One of the best ways to effectively and continuously eliminate VOCS is to filter the air with a carbon-based filter that is equipped to absorb chemical fumes.

Carbon has a great reputation for being able to eliminate gaseous pollutants. But even carbon needs help with VOCs.

When enhanced with potassium iodide, carbon is effective at removing these chemical fumes that can put air quality and your health at risk. offers an air purifier that can help the air in your nail salon smell fresh and clean. See the Nail Salon Air Purifier from at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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