Parrot Dander Air Purifier

Parrots are beautiful birds.
But like all birds they shed dander.
These dead flakes of skin are nature’s way of replenishing old skin with new skin that is better able to fight off germs that cause disease and infection.
In addition, some parrots like African Greys, Cockatoos, and Cockatiels are powder down parrots, so in addition to dander, they continually produce a white powder or wing dust that helps keep these birds healthy.
So with some parrots not only is dander and feathers a problem in the air but bird dust as well.
In the wild these pollutants would dissipate or the birds would fly away and the dander and other airborne particles would make less of an impact on your pet’s health.
But in captivity unless these particulates are constantly filtered from the air, they can block air passages and cause problems for your bird, and problems for human family members as well.
A high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter is ideal for particles. By definition this designation means that it can remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles that are .3 microns or greater. That means it can easily eliminate the bird-related particulates that parrots produce.
This type of filter is also able to remove other more normal household pollutants because it doesn’t care about the source, only the size of the particle. continues to send the Bird Dander Air Purifier to professional aviaries across the country. Keeping the air clear of parrot dander and dust means happy, healthier birds.
See the HEPA air purifier that can literally clear the air for your and your parrot for good at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier parrot dander, bird dander, parrot dander, parrots
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