Avian Air Purifier

If you have an avian friend as part of your family, you certainly spend a lot of time trying to provide it with the best life possible. And one of the most important things to provide is clean air.
Normal indoor air is frequently full of dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollen as well as bacteria and viruses. Add a bird to the mix, and you’ve got air that is heavy with pollutants.
Birds have tiny air passages. Air that is thick with particulate and gaseous pollutants can cause serious problems.
In fact some gases are lethal, and breathing air that is full of particles can clog their airways.
Clogged airways are often the beginning of disease and infection. Birds instinctively hide signs of weakness that would indicate illness. As a result, many times by the time your bird shows signs of an illness, it is already too late to reverse the effects.
Using an air purifier to proactively clear the air is effective yet non-invasive. The best type of technology to use for particles is HEPA filtration. This type of filter is the same kind they use in hospitals, and can remove particulates as small as .3 microns.
Carbon cloth is another important filter to have because of its dual function. Not only is it able to remove noxious odors, gases and airborne chemicals but it can also give additional protection against particles since it is woven like cloth.
PurerAir.com offers an air cleaner that is safe for birds and can remove particles and gaseous pollutants from the air. See it now at http://purerair.com/bird_dust_air_purifier.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: avian, avian air purifier, bird dust, birds, pet birds
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