Dorm Room Air Purifier

With the school year well under way, you and your coed have a better idea of what air quality in the is really going to be like this year.
An air purifier will help the situation; so better to solve the problem now rather than after it becomes a really big problem.
Dorm room air can be subject to dust from inside and out, seasonal pollens, pet dander on clothes of room mates or even on the walls leftover from last year’s residents.
Odors and smells from other rooms can be a problem as well as paint fumes, adhesives used for tiles and bathroom fixtures.
Without a purifier to constantly filter particles, odors, and gases, you or your student are constantly susceptible to anything that blows in. And that’s no way to live.
Even if you are perfectly healthy, breathing airborne pollutants constantly is not good, and if you have allergies, asthma or another respiratory condition, these pollutants can trigger reactions that range from irritating to life threatening.
The Dorm Room Air Purifier has 4 filters that can remove particles as well as odors, gases, and chemicals. And it is designed to run 24 hours every day whether you are there or not. This means that each time you return to you room, you know that clean, fresh air is waiting.
Get 125 cubic feet of purer air sent into your room every 60 seconds with this heavy-duty yet compact air cleaner. See it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: coed living, college room, dorm room, dorm room air, dorm room air purifier
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