HEPA Cat Dander Filter

By definition a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter must be able to remove 99.97% of airborne particles that are .3 microns or bigger in size. A micron is defined as one millionth of a meter.
So it is the perfect filter for removing cat dander (microscopic particles of dead skin) that is continually flaking off and making way for newer healthier skin.
And while this is great for your cat, if you are allergic to the protein that makes up the dander, it can really put a damper on how much you can enjoy your cat.
Since cat dander is a little more than 2 microns in size, it can be effectively trapped by this type of filter which can not only trap the flakes from your cat but from any other warm-blooded pets who call your house home.
Continually filtering the air keeps these particulates from penetrating the lungs and causing nodules and other more serious long-term health effects. Reducing the dander will also cut the food source for dust mites which are also another powerful allergen.
Household dust, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollens are just a few of the other irritants that can be removed by this type of technology. So it removes numerous other allergens effectively.
PurerAir.com offers the Cat Dander Air Purifier that can help you get more enjoyment out of your cat and your life!
Let it start helping you today. See it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: cat dander, cat dander air purifier, cat dander relief, cat dander solution, dander
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