Allergic To Your Rabbit?

If you’ve got a cute and cuddly rabbit for a pet, they’re a lot of fun.
But what is not fun is the sneezing, coughing, congestion, itchy and watery eyes that you get when you spend time with your pet.
Most likely this is because you are allergic to the protein in the dander.
All warm-blooded animals shed dead skin (dander) to make way for newer healthier skin that is better able to protect the body from disease and infection.
Unfortunately these skin cells contain a highly potent allergen that can make those who are sensitive to it feel miserable. And all your rabbit wants to do is cuddle.
It’s too late to take the rabbit back, so what can be done? You can filter the air to remove the airborne dander. This cuts down on the amount that you inhale, and the less you inhale the less symptoms it can generate.
The Pet Dander Air Purifier from is designed to take out pet related allergens such as dander as well as the usual household pollutants that can also trigger allergies and asthma.
And even though your main concern right now is the rabbit dander, a cleaner that can remove household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses can only help ease allergy and asthma symptoms.
See the cleaner that can help you now at
Labels: air purifier pet allergies, allergic to rabbit, pet dander air purifier, pet rabbit, rabbit allergies, rabbit dander
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