Reducing Infant Nasal Congestion

Listening to a baby struggle to breathe is agonizing, especially since infants are not able to help us understand what’s causing the problem. Newly developing lungs, respiratory and immune systems are often not able to fight off congestion-causing pollutants.
Many times extra mucous in the nose is caused by bacteria, viruses and sensitivity to airborne triggers present in the air. These irritants may not cause older children or adults any noticeable problems, but for an infant they can cause huge problems.
Household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, and pet dander are unfortunately all very common household pollutants. In addition to these, sometimes volatile organic chemicals that are emitted from newly painted nursery walls, wallpaper, furniture, carpet, rugs, and even fire retardant chemicals used on upholstery can cause an infant to become congested.
One of the best ways to guard against problems is by using organic materials in the nursery that do not use chemicals or synthetics in the manufacturing process. Painting with low voc paint, and using green products for furniture, linens, and toys is a good offensive step to take. This will take some but not all of the congestion causing pollutants from the air.
To take 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates from your infant's air, opt for a portable medical grade purifier with a HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filter. HEPA technology removes airborne particulates as small as .3 microns, and is the same technology used in hospitals to insure clean air.
HEPA filters will also remove bacteria and viruses as small as .3 microns. And with the potential of being exposed to the H1N1 virus, removing these germs before they can be ingested or inhaled by your baby is a proactive and non-invasive way to help your infant stay healthy. offers a HEPA filter that is one of 4 filters that will keep the air clean and make it easier for your baby to breathe. See the air purifier designed to help alleviate infant nasal congestion now at
Labels: air purifier infant, baby breathing, baby congestion, infant congestion, infant nasal congestion
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