Cat Allergen Air Purifier

The number one cat allergen is the protein found in cat dander, saliva, and urine. Dander is the dead skin that is constantly being shed to make way for newer, healthier skin that is more able to ward off germs and disease.
Unfortunately, dander is sticky stuff and so when it falls off, it attaches to cat hair and fur, your clothes and furniture, and often gets sent airborne when your pet goes through its normal routine.
When inhaled or ingested it becomes a formidable adversary for those who suffer from allergies or asthma. For those with chronic respiratory conditions such as these, being exposed to this allergen is like boxing with an invisible opponent. Because dander is microscopic in size, it is invisible to the human eye.
And whereas vacuuming the floors will remove some of the dander, vacuuming doesn’t help prevent the tiny particles that are light enough to remain in the air from entering through your nose and mouth. And vacuuming may have the opposite effect and send even more dander into the air.
The only way to remove airborne cat allergens is to use an air purifier that is effective at trapping sub micron size particles. A high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter is an excellent solution to this problem. Designed to remove airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns, not only will it remove allergens that result from sharing your home with a cat, but normal every day stuff like dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, as well as bacteria and viruses. offers help in the form of the Cat Dander Air Purifier. Equipped with 4 filters, a 5 year warranty, and a 5 year prorated filter warranty, it will make short work of your cat allergen problem starting today.
See the Cat Dander Air Purifier now at
Labels: cat air purifier, cat allergen, cat allergen air purifier, cat allergies, cat dander
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