Pet Smell Air Filter

Removing pet smell is probably one of the hardest problems to solve (other than pet hair) successfully. There are thousands of products on the market that claim to solve odor that is often associated with pets, and particularly urine odor. Unfortunately, many of these products are labor intensive, and require you to constantly buy and apply. And most often the relief is short lived if at all.

It makes sense for this air cleaner to also contain a filter that will eliminate pet hair and dander as well, as they all go hand in hand with having a warm-blooded pet as a member of the family.
And even though your main objective may be to get rid odor, an air purifier with a medical grade HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filter will also remove normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, dander from other pets, bacteria and viruses.
So whether you love a cat, dog, bird, bunny, or ferret offers an air purifier that will take care of it all. And the best part is that you plug it in and you're done--problem handled!

See the purifier that can eliminate pet smell for good at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: holidays pet smells, pet odor, pet odor filter, pet smell, pet smell filter
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