Dog Dander Remedies

If you have a dog, dog dander is right there with you. It’s just a natural part of your dog’s growth and development that will be there for as long as you have your dog. But if you are allergic to the protein found in dog dander, that’s probably not what you wanted to hear.
There are a number of ways you can reduce dog dander but unless you get rid of your dog (heaven forbid) you will always have some dander. Washing your dog with a veterinarian recommended shampoo on a schedule that is also vet approved can greatly reduce the dander in your home.
Feeding your dog the right diet and the right amount of food insures healthy skin which can sometimes reduce the amount of dander produced. But what do you do with the dander once it has been shed?
Using a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier will remove airborne dander that can linger in the air after a vigorous body shake from your dog, and can even be generated by normal activities by humans such as walking, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, or even flopping down on the sofa.
Since dander is way too small to see with the human eye, many times the only indication that there is a problem is sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and other irritating symptoms.
Now you no longer have to choose between your dog and its dander. You can have both by using an air purifier that will eliminate the hair and dog dander. offers an air purifier that is especially designed for pet dander removal. See how it can help you greatly reduce not only dog dander but dander from any warm blooded animal in your home at
Labels: air purifier dog dander, dog dander remedies, dog dander remedy, eliminate dog dander
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