Removing Dog Dander from Dogs

Dog dander, or dead skin cells, can be a major source of irritation for those who suffer with allergies, allergic asthma, or other respiratory conditions. And there is no escaping it as dander production is a natural part of your dog’s growth and development and will continue as long as you have your pet.
One of the best ways to remove dander from your pooch is to bathe it regularly. Before setting a schedule, consult with your vet about the best shampoo to use and the frequency that is best. The wrong shampoo or bathing too often can lead to dry skin and actually increase the amount of dander and/or damage your dog's skin and coat.
There are also some dogs which naturally produce less dander such as the Portugese Water Dog (like the Obamas' dog) the Komondor, Puli, and Tibetan Terrier; and there are the hairless Peruvian and Mexican, Chinese Crested, and American (hairless) Terrier that may provide some relief for those allergic to dog dander.
Each allergy sufferer is different, and whereas one may tolerate some of these breeds, others may not as every dog has some dander, and the offending protein is also found in saliva and urine.
Even after reducing the amount of dander with bathing and breed selection, some dander will still be sent airborne from normal activities of both you and your dog. offers a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier that is designed to constantly trap and eliminate airborne dander from your dog and any other warm blooded pet.
See the air purifier that has helped thousands of other dog owners enjoy their dogs despite their allergies at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800 997-2989
Labels: dog dander air purifier, hypoallergenic dogs, low dander dogs, Obama's dog, remove dog dander from dog
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