Do Hairless Cats Help Allergies?

Even though they are referred to as hairless, the most well known breed of hairless cats--Sphynx, does have very fine hair similar to the fuzz found on a peach.
And while the lack of hair does greatly reduce the amount of potential airborne cat hair, there are 3 other things about acquiring this type of cat as an alternative for allergies that you should consider first.
1. Cat hair is not generally an allergen. It is often a great pain in terms of maintenance because it goes airborne and then settles on everything from window treatments to furniture to floor. And the process often repeats when the air conditioner or heat comes on each time.
The allergen that gives most people trouble is the protein in cat dander, the dead flakes of skin that are constantly shed as a natural way to rejuvenate the skin. Every warm blooded animal, including hairless cats, has dander. So eliminating the hair will not necessarily help your allergies.
2. The fact that the cat does not have hair puts you in more direct contact with the dander.
3. The protein that is generally the most potent allergy trigger (Fel d1) is found in saliva, urine, as well as the anal glands. Cat hair is only a small part of the problem.
However, if you already own a cat with lots of beautiful hair, a hairless cat doesn’t help your situation much. offers an air purifier that will. It eliminates cat dander as constantly as your cat produces it.
Don’t live another moment of your life with cat hair and dander in your air. See the Cat Dander Air Purifier now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: cat allergies, cat hair, feline allergies, hairless cats, sphynx cat
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