Air Cleaner for Pet Hair and Dander

If you are looking for an air cleaner for airborne pet hair, it must also be able to remove pet dander. Why? Because if hair is a problem, so is dander.
Dander is dead skin that is shed constantly as a natural and healthy process which removes old skin to make way for new skin that is better able to fight off disease and infection. This dander is sticky stuff and sticks to pet hair as it sheds. It is in fact the dander that causes allergic reactions in so many people.
So what makes a cleaner effective at removing airborne pollutants that warm blooded pets produce? The short answer is its filter.
The medical community’s HEPA filtration technology has proven to be the ultimate in removing particulates from the air. And that technology has set the standard for this air cleaner for pet hair and dander offered by
A high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter is best at removing sub-micron size particles as small as .3 microns. Add a large and medium particle pre-filter to remove large particles like pet hair, and you’ve got one of the most effective air cleaners for pet hair on the market today.
In addition to pet related pollutants, its specialty blend of carbon and zeolite remove odors as well, making it a savings in time, money, and space because one air cleaner does it all. So this air cleaner has not one filter, but 4 filters!
Designed to operate safely 24 hours every day, you simply plug it in and it does the rest efficiently, economically and with maintenance so low, it’s almost no maintenance.
See how this air cleaner can let you enjoy your pet and get rid of the airborne pet hair for good at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air cleaner pet dander, air cleaner pet hair, air cleaner pet hair and dander
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