Air Quality in Classroom Trailers

Unfortunately, many school systems are using trailers to provide classroom space that is unavailable because of over crowding and under budgeting. But the air quality in these trailer classrooms creates just as big a problem.
Trailers are manufactured on level slabs, but once they are moved, placed on ground that is not level, and start to settle the seals break which allow chemicals and such as formaldehyde and other volatile organic chemicals to off gas into the air.
These chemicals can cause acute symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, stinging eyes, burning throat, as well as more serious and long lasting health problems.
Opening doors and windows is often not a desirable option, and is short lived at best. So what can be done to eliminate the constant off gassing that can occur in a trailer?
The answer is a purifier whose filter is equipped to eliminate airborne chemicals. If in addition, this cleaner also contains a HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filter, it will also be able to remove airborne viruses and bacteria. These germs are a high percentage of the reasons that cause teachers and students to be absent due to illness. offers a purifier that contains both a HEPA and a chemical filter, is portable yet heavy duty in its ability to constantly filter out harmful particles and airborne chemicals. And eliminating airborne chemicals will not only help the teacher, but the students too.
You can see this air purifier now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: airborne chemicals mobile classroom, classroom trailer, mobile trailer classroom
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