Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cheap Air Purifier Features

Ever wonder exactly what a cheap air purifier is? First let’s look at some of the most common reasons for wanting to buy an air purifier.

Pet hair, bird dander, smoke smell from the neighbor’s apartment, and airborne chemicals off gassing from mobile homes, new carpet, and paint fumes are all high on the list of indoor air quality issues.

So in order for an air purifier to be cheap, it needs to address the particular airborne pollutants that are causing you a problem, do it effectively, and not cost a lot.

And it is exactly those 3 areas that can make it confusing to determine whether the purifier is really cheap, or simply has a low purchase cost.

To truly decide whether an air purifier is inexpensive is to not only consider the cost to purchase it, but the cost to operate it as well.

Based on the purchase price, a cheap air purifier should be guaranteed to run only pennies a day for the next five years without a filter change, or any out-of-pocket expenses for repair.

So when you’re shopping, multiply the number of years on the warranty then divide that number by the purchase cost. For instance if the purchase cost is $269.99 and it comes with a one year warranty, $269.99 divided by 365 gives you a cost of 74 cents a day.

If the price of the purifier is $299.99 but has a 5 year warranty, using the same math, the price per day is only 16 cents a day. Having done the math, I think you’ll agree that the purchase price does not always make it cheaper.

You can have your pick of air purifiers that have 5 year warranties, and 5 year prorated filter warranties at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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