Swine Flu—5 Good Habits That Can Help You Avoid It

With new cases of Swine Flu being reported daily, we find ourselves asking what we can do to stop the spread of this deadly disease.
Highly contagious, it puts people who are in close proximity to large groups of people at greater risk because they are more likely to come in contact with those who may be infected but not be aware that they are contagious.
Here are 5 good habits to get everyone you know to develop--now.
1. Wash your hands. This is an age old habit that continues to stand the test of time in terms of its effectiveness in fighting germs. Good old soap and water, antibacterial soap, or hand sanitizer will help young and old alike keep germs from entering through eyes, nose, and mouth. Use disposal wipes, or air dry hands rather than using a common towel or hand cloth.
2. Cover your mouth but not with your hands. Use your arm instead. This keeps germs hands that come in contact with common surfaces such as light switches, door handles, staplers, pencils, coffee makers, and other hands. Covering with your arm keeps hands less germy.
3. Contain the germs. If you’re coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose frequently, better to stay at home and lessen the chance of spreading germs to others in your school or office.
4. Consult a physician. If you develop flu like symptoms, don’t wait around. Consult a physician immediately. Better safe than sorry.
5. Filter Your Air with a HEPA Air Purifier. Even though Swine Flu can be transferred through droplets that are sent airborne when sneezing or coughing, they don’t stay in the air very long. But filtering your air with a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier will remove airborne pollutants that your body is constantly fighting off such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and pet dander.
Your body’s immune system is its first line of defense against germs, and removing these pollutants helps your immune system stay strong which can’t help but increase the chances of you and your family staying healthy.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: swine flu, swine flu tips
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