Avoid Airborne Chemicals in Cleaning Solutions—3 Recipes for Success

Many cleaning products contain chemicals that are harsh at best, and send airborne chemicals into the air that are unhealthy to breathe, and can leave those with chemical sensitivity gasping for breath.
The side effects and health risks that are listed on the labels of many of these cleaning products have become scary enough to send many people looking for alternative products.
After our recent blog entry about removing airborne chemicals with an air purifier, a very savvy working mom wrote in to tell us how she is really getting back to basics with the cleaning products she uses in her home. Not only is it good for her baby, her family and the environment, but as she says “it saving me a ton of money!”
Here are 3 recipes for cleaning products that work without the chemicals and the unhealthy odors that they often emit. Erin wrote:
Ok – I’ve been talking to some of you about my new policy of not using ANY harsh chemicals in my house to clean with. I’ve found that these actually work better and are saving me a ton of money!!!
1. I make my own all purpose cleaner
¼ cup Borax
¼ Lemon Juice
2 cups Hot water
Put these in a spray bottle and shake, and you’re good to go – this works SO well. Usually I have to really scrub my stainless steel and chrome faucets to get the hard water stains off. This mixture makes them sparkle with barely any elbow grease. Oh, and on a side note, after cleaning with this the other day my fingernails were really whitened (you know how they can get kind of yellowed from nail polish?), that was a very pleasant side effect I didn’t know about!!
2. If you want to get your tub whiter fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mix of water and peroxide, spray on the tub, let it sit for a few minutes then wipe down. Or you can make a paste of baking soda and lemon juice and use it like a cleanser.
3. I mop with a solution of white vinegar and water. It makes the floor really shine. Don’t worry about the vinegar smell. It’s gone as soon as the floor dries.
Remove airborne chemicals from other sources in your home by calling PurerAir.com and asking for the HealthMate Plus Air Purifier. Keep chemicals out of your air for good!
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier for chemicals, avoiding chemicals in the home, natural cleaning solution, removing airborne chemicals
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