Eliminating Pet Odor Naturally

Pet odor, particularly urine smell, can be really offensive. And it can make an otherwise beautiful home a nightmare to live in or visit.
There are thousands of products out there that make all kinds of claims.
But often those products are ineffective, expensive, labor intensive and not exactly the safest thing for humans or pets.
There are many ways to deal with pet odor in a proactive yet non-invasive way. They include a consistent and time-proven regimen for house training or litter box etiquette. This can stop the problem at the source.
If your problem has progressed beyond that stage, cleaning or replacing carpets as well as the sub-flooring may be required. Favorite pieces of furniture, rugs, and bedding may need to be tossed. And sometimes even sections of wall board may need to be replaced if that has been the scene of inappropriate elimination by your pet.
However, one of the best ways to keep your home smelling fresh all the time with no effort on your part is to eliminate the smell by continually filtering the air with a filtration system that can handle both benign pet smells and the up-in-your-face urine odor.
Having a purifier specifically designed to remove the ammonia that makes the stench of urine such an eye-watering experience is essential. And any air cleaner for animals should have also have multiple filters for particles such as hair, dander, and fur.
PurerAir.com offers an air cleaner specifically designed with pets and their odor in mind. It will remove odors naturally 24 hours a day every day without ozone or ionozation. Fresh odor-free air is its only by-product.
See in now at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier pet urine odor, eliminate pet odor naturally, eliminate pet urine odor, natural pet odor relief, pet odor, pet odor air purifier
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