Wood Stove Air Purifier
Heating an indoor space with a wood stove can be economical and a cheery sight to come home to in the middle of winter. However, it can send particles and gases into your indoor air that are unhealthy to breathe.
Any kind of combustion generates particles and gases and without proper ventilation they can build to an unhealthy level in your indoor air. The odors can also be absorbed in clothing and furniture making it easy for others to smell the wood smoke in your home and in your clothes.
Using an air purifier that is specifically designed to remove the airborne pollutants that wood smoke produces is a proactive way to handle the problem. PurerAir.com offers a 4-stage filtration process with the Smoke Air Purifier that can eliminate both the fine particulates as well as the gases, odors and chemicals.
Don’t go through another winter breathing smoke and smelling like it too. See the Smoke Air Purifier that can clear your air for good at http://purerair.com/smoke_air_purifier.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: wood stove air purifier, wood stove fumes, wood stove smell
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