Dog Dander Air Purifier
Dog dander is an invisible but powerful irritant for those who are allergic. These tiny flakes of dead skin can stay airborne long enough to be inhaled.
And because dander is a natural part of your dog’s growth and development, it will be around for as long as you have your pooch.
It is usually the protein that dander contains that causes those who are allergic to sneeze, cough, wheeze and get teary-eyed. And because it often sticks to hair, dust, and other airborne particles, it is tough to eliminate.
In fact the only way to reliably and consistently keep the particle count low is to filter the air with a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter. This type of filtration is designed to remove airborne particles as small as .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency.
This type of filtration will also remove more normal household particulates such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, and bacteria and viruses.
You can enjoy a lot of wonderful years with your dog without suffering from allergies triggered by dander. See the air purifier for dog dander that can make a huge difference in the air quality for both you and your dog at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: dog dander, dog dander air cleaner, dog dander air purifier, dog dander allergy
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