The Green Beauty Salon
The first step towards greening any beauty salon should begin with making the most important part of the shop perfectly clear—-the air.
If you and your clients are unable to take a really deep breath without grave concerns about what kinds of chemicals you’re breathing, nothing else really matters.
Hair and nail products often contain volatile organic chemicals that evaporate easily into the air and can linger for hours. And if your shop has multiple operators offering services, the chemicals in the air increase exponentially.
Not only do these chemicals smell bad and make a poor first impression for your shop, they are also harmful to breathe. Short term exposure includes symptoms such as burning eyes, dry throat, and headache. But long term exposure day after day hour after hour can cause much more serious and long lasting health problems.
Don’t risk your health. Clear the air of harmful chemicals continuously 24 hours every day. Green your salon by clearing the air with the Beauty Salon Air Purifier at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: beauty salon, beauty salon air, beauty salon air purifier, green beauty salon, green products beauty salon
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