Painting Studio Air Purifier
Regardless of whether your painting studio is in your home or away from your home, the atmosphere needs to be inspiring.
It’s hard for that to happen if you are overwhelmed by the chemical smells each time you enter your studio.
And if inadequate filtration makes you hesitate to use techniques that generate chemical fumes because they make you feel bad, your studio can be more of a hindrance than a help.
Filtering the air in an art studio is crucial because of the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) contained in solvents, acrylics, paints, adhesives, and ink to name a few. Breathing these odors for even short periods of time can cause symptoms such as dry throat, burning eyes and nose, dizziness, and nausea. And the long term health issues that are caused by prolonged exposure to these types of chemicals can be severe.
24 hour filtration of both airborne particulates and the chemical fumes is a must to make your studio a fresh and healthy place to be. makes this possible with an air purifier that contains both a medical grade HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filter and a carbon based filter with an additive specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals.
Make your health a top priority in your painting studio by keeping the air free of chemicals fumes with the air purifier from at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: paint studio air cleaner, paint studio air purifier, paint studio supplies, painting studio air purifier
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