Air Purifier for Pet Hair from

Even though pet hair is not usually an allergen, an air purifier for pet hair is a healthy idea as pet hair gets stuck to the stickier dander, a major allergen, that all warm blooded pets produce. offers an effective high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier that will take pet hair and the dander out—the Pet Dander Air Purifier.
It is dander rather than pet hair that is the usual allergen that triggers asthma and allergy flare ups that can keep you from fully enjoying your pet, whether it is a cat, dog, bunny, ferret, bird or other animal. And because dander will be produced for as long as you have your pet, any air purifier for pet hair also needs to be able to filter out dander as well.
Pet hair is easily seen, and you will enjoy seeing it disappear from the air once you start to use this air purifier. But an added advantage of the Pet Hair Air Purifier is that it also removes the invisible pet dander as well.
And because the HEPA filter (one of 4 filters inside) can remove particles that are sub-micron in size (down to .3 microns), it can also eliminate household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria, and viruses.
The large and medium size pre-filters help the Pet Dander Air Purifier last for 5 full years before needing a filter change. Occasional vacuuming of the outside of the purifier will help extend the life of the filter and is all the maintenance required to keep it running smoothly and efficiently.
The carbon zeolite filter helps absorb odors, and airborne chemicals that can plague any home, pets or not. We have sent the Pet Dander Air Purifier to 4 Paws Spa, Brent Wild Life for Birds, and the Theater of the Sea Aviary to name a few.
In addition to pet hair and dander, if you would also like to an air purifier to remove pet urine odor, we offer the Pet Machine Air Purifier as well.
Call now at (800) 997-2989 and let us send the Pet Dander Air Purifier to you with Free Same Day Shipping and a Free Starbucks Card. Make it the air purifier for pet hair that removes pet dander too!
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air cleaner pet hair, pet hair air cleaner, pet hair air purifier
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