Portable Bird Air Filter

If you are a bird lover, you know the importance of keeping the air clean. Clean air is just as important as food and water.
Consider this, if your bird can’t breathe food and water won’t matter. Filtering harmful airborne particulates, gases, odors, viruses and bacteria will not only prolong your bird’s life, but allow for a better quality of life.
Being able to have a filtration system that works and that is portable as well is a winning combination for both you and your feathered friend.
Knowing that you can provide fresh, clean air any where you go gives you the freedom to choose where you keep your bird, and where you can live with your companion.
PurerAir.com offers a portable bird air filter that is designed to remove airborne particulates as small as .3 microns with high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filtration.
This is the same technology that we continue to supply to the Joshua Rescue Foundation for Birds, and to the Theater of the Sea Bird Aviary in Islamorada, Florida. If our portable air filters work in commercial settings, they will certainly work for you in your home or office.
See the portable bird air purifier that can give you and your bird a new lease on life now at http://purerair.com/bird_dust_air_purifier.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: bird air filter, portable air filter, portable bird air cleaner, portable bird air filter, portable bird dust filter
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