Parrot Dander Air Filter
If you have a parrot or parrots as pets, you’re all set for entertainment, companionship, and lots of enjoyable memories to look forward to.
You’re also going to experience a lot of airborne dander. Dander is a perfectly natural part of your bird’s growth and development but in captivity can become a problem for you and your bird if it is not properly managed.
Dander is the small dead flakes of skin that are constantly being shed and replaced by newer, healthier skin. Being able to clear the air of this dander is a must if you and your bird are to stay healthy. But if you are searching for a filter for parrot dander, I’m probably preaching to the choir because you already realize the importance of clean air! continues to supply the Bird Dander Air Purifier to the aviary at Theater of the Sea in Islamorada, Florida. They use this and the larger model for their beautiful parrots. They even boast a 60 year old Macaw, and the caretaker attributes their continued good health to their clear air passages which is direct of keeping their air filtered.
See the Bird Dander Air Purifier now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: bird dander, filter parrot dander, parrot dander, parrot dander air purifier, parrots
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