Odor Eliminating Air Purifier

An air purifier that is effective at eliminating odor should have a carbon filter. It's that simple. Carbon has been proven to be one of the most effective and safest ways to pull odors out of the air. If your odor is chemically based the carbon filter should also have an additional compound that can absorb them.
PurerAir.com offers a cleaner that contains carbon as well as potassium iodide that is specifically designed to remove harmful odors from products used in nail salons, beauty salons, and days spas—products like nail polish, nail polish remover, hair perm products, smoke from curling irons and more.
It can also remove fumes from office products such as glue, ink, and even the fumes that the copier gives off. We recently had a client purchase this purifier because he owns an office that is above a trucking garage. The diesel fumes were making them sick!
In addition to the odor absorbing carbon filter, this cleaner has a medical grade HEPA filter. By definition this type of filter removes 99.97% of airborne particulates down to .3 microns in size. This is a huge advantage in removing dust, pollen, and even bacteria and viruses.
The odors and fumes mentioned here are only a few ways that this odor eating air purifier can improve your air quality.
See all the other ways this air purifier can help you now at http://purerair.com/healthmate_plus.html
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air cleaner kerosene fumes, diesel fumes, nail salon odors, odor eliminating air purifier, odors, remove chemical fumes
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