Cat Hair Air Purifier

Are you looking for an air purifier for cat hair because you love your cat, but the hair—not so much? Based on the number of people who search the internet every day for a cat hair solution, you are not alone.
And even though many might say that having cat hair in the air comes with the territory when you live with a cat, there is a way to greatly reduce the hair in the air--and reduce is the key word. Nothing will take cat hair away completely, but an air purifier that can run 24 hours a day, and uses HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filtration can make a huge difference not only in airborne hair, but the invisible dander you can’t see.
By definition HEPA filtration must remove 99.97% of airborne particulates down to .3 microns in size. And a micron is way smaller that the period at the end of this sentence. By using this technology to continuously filter your air, you allow it to keep up with the hair and dander that your cat sends airborne with its normal daily activities.
With the air purifier that offers, you can have your cat and air that is virtually hairless too!
See the Cat Dander Air Purifier now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: airborne cat hair, cat hair, cat hair air purifier, cat hair solution
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