Eliminating Home Odors

When you open the door of your home, do you smell a combination of last night’s dinner smells, your pet, smoke from the wood stove, or the cleaning chemicals you used several days ago? If your answer is yes to any of these, you need an air purifier that can be effective at filter all of these odors.
Is there such an air purifier? You bet there is. Because all of these smells can trigger allergies and allergic asthma, this air purifier is an excellent choice for those who not only want a clean smelling home, but also for those who suffer with allergies.
Designed to remove not only odors, smoke and noxious chemicals smells, it also contains a HEPA filter that will remove fine particulates as small as .3 microns. HEPA filtration is the same type of filtration that hospitals use to insure the cleanest air for patients.
Now you can have pristine indoor air quality without going to the hospital. See this air purifier that can yield 250 cubic feet of fresh clean air every 60 seconds now at http://purerair.com/allergy_machine.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier for odor, eliminating odor, home odor, home odors
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