Bird Room Air Purifier

Your pet bird’s health is dependent on how well the conditions you provide help your bird adapt in your home. Providing clean air is of the utmost importance because if your bird can’t breathe, nothing else really matters.
The only way to continually remove airborne pollutants both seen and unseen from the air is to filter it. And the most effective and safest type of filtration for a bird room is HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filtration.
This type of filtration is used by hospitals to insure clean air, and by definition it is able to remove particles that are as small as .3 microns. That’s a good thing, because it is usually the invisible bird dander that causes birds and humans the most problems.
By reducing the number of airborne particulates with this type of filtration, you are helping your bird’s air passages remain open, clean, and healthy. This is an excellent proactive yet non-invasive way to help your bird stay healthy.
The other great advantage of this type of filtration is that the only by-product it produces is fresh clean air. has been providing bird sanctuaries and aviaries with air purifiers for bird rooms for years. See the air purifier the professionals are continuing to use now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: bird room, bird room air purifier, bird room supplies, birds, healthy pet bird, pet bird supplies
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