Filter for Bird Dander

Bird dander is a natural by product of a healthy bird. In their natural habitat these microscopic bits of dead skin would simply dissipate into the air without causing much of a problem,
But unless you do something to get rid of airborne dander in your home, it will cause big problems for both you and your bird.
The problems for both humans and birds begin in the respiratory system.
Birds' air passages are quite small and can become clogged easily. Without filtered air, these passages become clogged and lead to disease and infection which often shorten their life span considerably.
Humans can suffer allergic reactions to the protein found in the dander. Symptoms may present as coughing, watery eyes, and congestion, making it impossible to really enjoy your bird.
The presence of so many particles in the air can also facilitate the spread of bacteria and viruses that often travel from one host to another by attaching to pieces of dander and other normal household pollutants that are then inhaled or ingested. So a filter for bird dander is just as vital as food and water.
That’s why offers an air purifier with a medical grade HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filter that can remove bird dander as small as .3 microns from the air 24 hours a day every day and is guaranteed to last 5 years.
This filter will send 125 cubic feet of fresh, clean air to you and your birds for 43,800 hours without even one filter change. And should your filter need changing before the 5 year period is over, you can take advantage of the prorated filter warranty that is practically one of a kind in the air purification industry.
Filter bird dander from your air forever. See the Bird Dander Air Purifier now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air filter pet birds, bird dander, filter bird dander, pet birds
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