New Carpet Smell Air Purifier

A business woman called early this morning looking for an air purifier for new carpet smell. It seems her office just finished a remodel and even though she was assured her that the materials used would be low in volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), the fumes are making her ill. "And while they may be okay for the rest of the office, they’re making me sick all day every day at work", she explained.
If you find yourself in the same situation, you can have control over the air you breathe at work with an air purifier for new carpet smell that is specifically designed to remove the intense smell of chemicals used in the manufacturing and installation of new carpet.
The HealthMate Plus Air Purifier has a 4 stage filtration process that not only removes particulates such as lint, drywall dust, copy toner, mold and mildew spores, bacteria, and viruses, but has an inner filter that targets and removes airborne chemicals.
If you are at all sensitive to chemical smells you know the symptoms that it can cause—headaches, burning and watering eyes, sore throat, dizziness and light-headedness, and in severe cases nausea and vomiting. But who wants to live like that every day at work? And any employer knows that you can’t possible expect someone to do their best if they are ill.
Even if your body does not exhibit symptoms, breathing chemicals fumes for a prolonged period of time over the course of many months is unhealthy, and can cause the onset of serious health issues.
With the HealthMate Plus Air Purifier, you don’t ever have to take the risk of suffering acute, chronic, or long term health issues. Simply plug it in and let it remove the airborne hazards.
Guaranteed to last 5 years, with a filter whose life is 5 years, the HealthMate Plus sends 250 cubic feet of fresh, clean and healthy air into a space up to 1500 square feet, giving 2 complete changes of air every hour.
You can’t afford not to protect your health because once it’s gone, no amount of money can bring it back.
Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the HealthMate Plus Air Purifier. Get rid of the chemical fumes from new carpet in your office or your home with an air purifier for new carpet smell that will make life better for you immediately.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: chemical air purifier, new carpet smell, new carpet smell air purifier
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