Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Air Purifier for Allergic or Asthmatic Baby or Child—The Austin air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier

There are few things worse than watching your child struggle to breathe because of allergy or asthma. Using the Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier will help purify the air in your home making each breath your child takes, a breath of fresh clean air that keeps them happy and able to enjoy just being a child.

The Austin Air Baby’s Breath delivers 125 cubic feet of fresh air every 60 seconds, and because it weighs only 12 pounds, can be moved easily from one room to another, or can even travel with you wherever you and your family go.

The Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier, like all Austin Air Purifiers, is guaranteed for 5 years. When you divide 1,825 days (5 years) of peace of mind by the cost of the unit, you are spending 16 cents each day (pocket change) for peace of mind about your child’s ability to breathe well.

In addition, PurerAir.com will send the Baby’s Breath to you tax free, with Free UPS Shipping, and a Free Starbucks Card.

Call the PurerAir.com 24-hour, toll free number now at (800) 997-2989 and make the first move towards keeping your child’s breathing care free! Ask about the Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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