Air Purifier for Cat Hair

Do you have cat hair floating everywhere? And are you wondering if there can be life with your cat but without cat hair? Read on for the answers!
You can take some of the hair out some of the time if you just come and go from your space. Air flow will take a very small percentage of cat hair out through the door.
But you can take virtually all of the cat hair out of the air 24 hours a day with an air purifier that uses technology designed to be highly efficient at removing airborne particles including but not limited to cat hair.
This type of technology is known as HEPA filtration. HEPA is a nick name for the words "high efficiency particle arresting" and derives its spelling from the first letter of each of the 4 words involved.
The Allergy Machine Air Purifier that offers has a HEPA filter which by definition must remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates greater than .3 microns—which definitely includes hair from your cat.
In addition to this highly efficient HEPA filter, the Allergy Machine Air Purifier contains both a large and medium particle pre-filter as well as carbon cloth--all of which give added filtration against airborne particles. That makes a total of 4 filters working 24 hours to take the hair out of your air.
So if you’re tired of it raining cat hair where you live, see the air purifier that can really clear away the cat hair in your air for good at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: cat hair, cat hair air cleaner, cat hair air purifier, cat hair solution, cats
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