Controlling Indoor Pollen Levels
Fall is a time when the pollen count climbs due to numerous weeds that start pollination about mid August. And even though it can continue until early November in many parts of the country, levels tend to peak around mid September.
If you suffer from allergies that are triggered by airborne pollen, it is impossible to avoid this allergen. And while you can’t control the count outdoors, you can certainly control it inside your home and office.
Because pollen is so light weight, it easily attaches to hair, clothing, and other articles that come inside with you. It can then go airborne and make itself available to be inhaled all over your home.
The only way to keep the count low enough to avoid allergy flare ups is to filter it from the air. An air cleaner with a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) filter is the most efficient type of filtration to handle the job.
Since its size ranges from 10 to 100 microns, a HEPA filter that by definition traps particulates that are .3 microns and larger can easily eliminate this allergen. This type of filter will also eliminate other household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores and pet dander—all of which often work in concert with pollen to exacerbate allergies.
See the air purifier that will help you control the pollen levels in your home and office 24 hours a day every day at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: fall pollen, indoor pollen levels, pollen allergies, pollen control, pollen relief, weed pollen
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