Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Chemical And Dust Purifier

Airborne chemicals continue to carve out an increasing and alarming part in our lives.

And regardless of where and how you come in contact with these chemicals, prolonged inhalation of these fumes has unhealthy short and long term effects on your health.

There are so many ways we come in contact with these chemicals frequently if not daily—beauty salons, nail salons, mobile homes, paint fumes, cleaning solutions, office copiers, chemicals in artist studios, new carpet smell, diesel and gasoline fumes, varnish and stains from woodworking shops, and the list goes on.

Jody called in for help because his office is located above a diesel mechanic shop. Buses and trucks run continuously and the fumes seep into his office! After a week with one of our air purifiers, he called back and ordered 2 more.

Wearing gas masks is a thought, but not a very practical way for dealing with airborne chemicals. The only way to consistently remove airborne chemicals is to clean the air with a filter that is specifically designed to eliminate these fumes. An air purifier with a carbon-based filter that has an additive for chemicals is most effective in dealing with these pollutants. offers an air purifier with a carbon-based filter to eliminate chemicals. It is also effective at eliminating dust because it contains a HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filter for sub-micron size particles including dust, bacteria, and viruses. And that’s in addition to 2 pre-filters for large and medium size particles that you can see floating in the air.

See the air purifier that helped Jody and that can help you too at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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