Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Exotic Bird Air Cleaner from

If you need an air cleaner for an exotic bird, offers 3 to choose from-- the Bird Dander Air Purifier, the Pet Dander Air Purifier, and the Pet Machine Air Purifier that includes a special filter for pet urine odor.

And for those of you who are saying, “Hey my bird is just as exotic as yours”, for the purpose of this discussion “exotic” is defined as those species of birds that breed naturally other than here in the United States. These include, but are not limited to Amazons, Cockatoos, Macaws, Lorikeets, Love Birds, African Greys, and others.

If you already own an exotic bird, you know many of them to be fairly large creating lots of dust, feathers, dander that go airborne which then create untidiness in not only your bird’s cage, and room, but throughout your home. And worse still, these airborne pollutants can then clog your birds’ air passages making it more susceptible to disease and infection.

If you are at all sensitive to bird dander, or dust this is not good news for you either. And the better insulated your home is, the worse the problem can become. With no way out, these pollutants are just recycled rather than removed which can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms and make your life miserable as well. offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier which will remove airborne dander, dust, and feathers as small as .3 microns in spaces up to 700 square feet.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier removes the same airborne pollutants, but is designed to be effective in spaces up to 1500 square feet.

And the Pet Machine Air Purifier will also remove airborne pollutants down to .3 microns but in addition, comes equipped with a special inner filter that will remove pet urine smell, not just from birds but from any other animals you may have.

So call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier, and make it the exotic bird air cleaner that really works.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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