Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Remove Airborne Weed Pollen with a Pollen Eliminating Air Purifier

Removing airborne weed pollen from the air you breathe is essential if you are to survive hay fever season comfortably. The Austin Air Allergy Machine HEPA Air Purifier is designed to remove airborne weed pollen such as ragweed, curly dock, lambs quarters, pigweed, plantain, sheep sorrel, and sagebrush down to .3 microns in size.

Having the Allergy Machine in your home means your home is equipped with the same technology used in hospitals to insure clean air—HEPA technology. High efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) technology means that for every 10,000 particles of pollen in your air, 99,997 are removed with 99.97% efficiency.

Designed to filter your air 24 hours every day, the Allergy Machine will insure that your air quality remains high, and that pollen levels are virtually eliminated.

Call today, and have us send your Allergy Machine HEPA Air purifier to you today, and remove the airborne weed pollen from your air forever.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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