Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Austin Air Owner’s Manual—Do All Austin Air Purifiers Have the Same Austin Air Owner’s Manual?

Recently we had a customer calling in to request an Austin Air Owner’s Manual for the Allergy Machine. She was surprised to learn that all Austin Air Purifiers have the same owner’s manual. Why is that she asked?

The Austin Air Owner’s Manual is a comprehensive guide for the full line of Austin Air Purifiers. It gives general operating guidelines and suggestions, safety information, maintenance suggestions, and the procedure for changing the filter. Since all Austin Air Purifiers are designed alike except for size and make up of the inner filter, regardless of which Austin Air Purifier you chose, you have everything you need if you have the Austin Air Owner’s Manual!

If you would like to view the manual now, click on the following link to download, copy, or read—the Austin Air Owner’s Manual.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
